After several months of hard work, I'm pleased to announce Quix 1.3 . Our goal is to help you build website faster, and with Quix's blocks, it's now 2...

After several months of hard work, I'm pleased to announce Quix 1.3. Our goal is to help you build website faster, and with Quix's blocks, it's now 2x faster than before.

This version brings you an enhanced SEO settings that make it easier for users to recognize your official site and reach the information you provide more quickly when they search.


With Quix's pre-made blocks, you can instantly create any section or entire layout. Everything is visual, and you will get what you see on blocks image. Blocks are two types:

  • Section Block : Contain only one section with multiple rows and elements.
  • Layout Block : Contain multiple sections with the combination of rows and elements.

We will be adding more blocks every week, and you can see them without updating or downloading anything. Blocks list refresh once an hour.

Collection > Library

Collection is now called Library for a clear understanding of its use. Users often get confused about the name and based on your feedbacks we renamed it. Everything remain same and you won't loose any date.

Enhanced SEO

We are serious about SEO and Quix is the first page-builder that allow indexing its page content to Joomla search. Quix's HTML markups are also very semantic and friendly to search engine.

We are enhancing SEO capabilities by adding Google site attribute markup. Google offers a variety of ways to help you provide key business details so that they show up for users in Search results.

Add your business and marketing details like location, contact information, logo and social media links. Google will show them in their search results and knowledge graph card.

CSS Optimization

All the CSS files are now minified and cached for better performance. Before 1.3, page styles were on page header but now its cached on file and no more nasty HTML header in Quix.

Chart Elements

You can show statistics or survey data using 5 brand new chart elements including Bar chart, Doughnut chart, Line chart, Pie chart, and Polar Area chart. From simple bar chart to complex polar chart can be done using chart elements. Powered by the powerful Chart.js library.

Improvements and Fix's​

  • ACL fix for Pages and Collection
  • Asset caching system
  • Admin styling
  • Library page improved with search
  • Toolbar menu updated
  • Text element update
  • Compatibility fix for 3pd templates
  • Admin icon fix
  • Router update
  • Font warning fix
  • Popover style fix
  • And many more...