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How to translate article date of Joomla

You can easily translate the article date to your language of the Meteor Joomla Articles element of Quix.

Open the meta.php file from the templates > tx_meteor > quix > meteor_joomla_articles > blocks from the website root direcotry.

Now copy & paste the code:

    setlocale(LC_TIME, "es_ES");
    $artTransDate = strftime($field['date_format'], strtotime($item->displayDate));
    echo $artTransDate; 

Instead of the code place:

 <?php echo $date->format($field['date_format']); ?>

Now write your language tag instead of es_ES. The language tag you will get to the site adminstrator panel. Just navigate to Extensions > Languages and copy & paste the language tag to the corresponding place.

Now go to the Meteor Joomla Articles element Styles tab, paste the code %d, %B %Y in the Date format field.

The date will be translated to your langueage.

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