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Pricing Table

This module is mostly used generating product price table, offered price table, package table for a business website. This is the most simple way to make a price table where you don't even need a single line of code. You can prepare a price table in a minute just following a few steps.

Pricing Table

General Settings

Pricing Table

  • Add New : - Add New : A button to add new table. You can add Items as many as you want according to your need.
  • Duplicate : Clone the table with all its settings.

Once you click on a created table, some more settings will appear to configure below this.

  • Package Title : Give your desired package title here.
  • Make this table featured : If you want to make this table featured, set this option Yes
  • Package Description : Write package description here.
  • Currency : Define the currency.
  • Amount : Set the amount of the package.
  • Plan Type : Specify the plan type. ( ex. Month, Year, etc)
  • Feature List : Describe the package's feature list.
  • Button Text : Enter the button text here that is gonna place at the bottom of the price table.
  • URL : Put the URL where you want to redirect your clients when they click on the price table below button.
  • Open new window : Define that whether you want your clients to enter the URL in a new window or not.
  • Btn icon : Choose an icon for the button.
  • Btn icon placement : Set the position of the button.
  • Button Type : You can either select Regular button or a Full Width button.
  • Button Style : You can choose a button style with some pre-built settings and color.

Styles Settings

Pricing Table

  • Text Alignment : Set the position of the text used in the module.
  • Animation : Choose an animation effect that how you want the module to appear.
  • Text Color : Choose a color for the texts.
  • Background Color : Choose a background color.
  • Use Border : Define that you want the border or not. If you set it to Yes, then you need to set a couple of settings too that would appear below this like Border Width, Border Radius, and Border Style.
  • Featured BG Color : Select a background color for the header of the pricing table.
  • Featured Text Color : Choose a color for the header text.
  • Featured Title Font : Select a font style for the header text.
  • Table Heading Padding : You can define the amount of padding pixel for Top, Right, Bottom and Left as well for the table heading.
  • Package Title Font : Select a font style for the package title text.
  • Title Margin : You can define the amount of margin pixel for Top, Right, Bottom and Left as well for the title area.
  • Title Color : Choose your preferred color for the title text.
  • Package Description Font : Select a font style for the Package Description text.
  • Description Margin : You can define the amount of margin pixel for Top, Right, Bottom and Left as well for the description area.
  • Description Color : Choose color for the description text.
  • Package Currency Font : Choose a font style for the currency text.
  • Currency Color : Select a color for currency text.
  • Package Amount Font : Select a font style for the Package Amount text.
  • Amount Color : Choose a color for the amount text.
  • Package Plan Type Font : Select a font style for the Package Plan Type text.
  • Plan Color : Select a color for Plan Type text.
  • Body Background Color : Select a Background color for the body of the module.
  • Body Font : Select a font style for the body text.
  • Table Body Padding : You can define the amount of padding pixel for Top, Right, Bottom and Left as well for the body.
  • Use Border : If you want to use a border, enable this feature first then you need to define the border width and border style as well that you can find after enabling this feature.
  • Feature List Item Padding : You can change the padding value of feature list item. By default its 10px.
  • Footer Background Color : Choose a color for the footer background.
  • Table Footer Padding : You can change the padding value of footer area. By default its 20px.
  • Use Custom Style for Button : If you enable this option, you'll find a bunch of settings to configure the button style manually.

You can find the button configuration settings only if you enable the Use Custom Style for Button feature.

  • Margin : You can define the amount of margin pixel for Top, Right, Bottom and Left as well for the module.
  • Padding : You can define the save of padding pixel for Top, Right, Bottom and Left as well for the module.
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