How to create new Menu Item
From your Joomla administrator, go to Menus => Main Menu => Add new menu Item
- Menu item type = (the type of link:component,URl,Alias) selects from select option.
- Menu title = Give the title of the menu item that will display of the Menu.
- Alias = Leave this blank & Joomla will fill in a default value from the title. This value will depend on SEO(search engine optimization) setting.
- Note = enter some text here.
- Link = link in this manu.
- Status = set publication status.
- Access = The access level group that is allowed to view this item.
- Menu location = shows which menu a link will appear in this location.
- Parent item = select the parent item from the menu.
- Default page = sets this menu item as the default or home page of this site. You must have a default page set at all times.
- Template style = select the specific template style or select default. Then click save & close icon.