Before we enter the details, let us first cover the definition of the term ‘Bounce Rate’.

Before we enter the details, let us first cover the definition of the term ‘Bounce Rate’.

Bounce Rate refers the measure of the percentage of visitors who leave your website after viewing their current page without checking out other pages. The sooner they move from your site, the more negative bounce rate you get.

To know your current bounce rate use Google Analytics, it helps you to track your bounce rate, page views, and so forth that determine the health of your website. 

Ideally, If your bounce rate is below 50%, this indicates that your site is safe, if your bounce rate exceeds 60%, you should get worried, and if your bounce rate is over 80%, you are in serious trouble.

Numerous factors can be responsible for raising bounce rate of your site, and there are fruitful methods which should be applied to reduce it.

Below, We’ll show you how to reduce bounce rate on your WordPress site with five practical techniques that work.

 #1 Create Useful Content for Your Audience

Without any doubt, everyone agreed that - Content is the King. Improving content should be the first and long term strategy you take towards reducing bounce rate.

When you produce useful content for your audience, you can naturally make visitors stay longer on your website. Providing poor content increase the bounce rate on your site and at the same time, you lose the confidence and trust from your users.

It is your liability to follow through and give the people what they want whether that be a must have a product, a special giveaway, helpful tips, or anything else.

#2 Interlink Your Posts

Internal links are keeping people to navigating around your website as well as boost your SEO and your page views. You can use them to reduce your bounce rate and help users find what they are looking for without searching, by interlinking relevant topics post.

Instead of linking to a previous post with an anchor text like ‘read here’ or ‘click here,’ try to use a correct anchor text, that shows a keyword phrase on your post.

Keep in mind the fact when you are interlinking your previous posts about the proper anchor text. It gives your reader some idea about the topic you are linking to, and at the same time promote them to click and read that post. 

#3 Optimize Page Loading Times

Nowadays, you could not show any excuse for a slow-loading website. Your visitors want your site should load in 2 seconds or less, otherwise, they attempt to leave your site. If you do not know the loading time of your site, you can check it by using the online tools GTmetrix or Pingdom.

Your web hosting plays the key role in term of optimizing page loads time, choose a good web hosting for best performance we've preapered a guide to choose best Joomla hosting.

There are some other ways to improve website load speed that include; caching, slicing images, using CDN (Content Delivery Network), and among others. You also find several WordPress plugins that can help you to improve this issues as well as speed up your site. Following are the best one you should use.

Achieving a good load speed on your website, drastically reduce the bounce rate of your site.  

#4 Prioritize Responsive Design

We arrive in a world, where more and more people are accessing the web via smartphones and tablets. That means, to best support their experience, your site must work well regardless of which device they use.

You should ensure you use or develop a responsive design, at the time of building your WordPress site. A responsive website means a site which constructed so that all of the content, images, layouts and structure of a website remains the same on every device.

It helps reduce bounce rate from mobile users. If you can not afford a paid responsive theme, don't need to worry. There are lots of free WordPress themes that are responsive and ready for use.

#5 External Links Should be Open in a New Tab

When you are linking to an external website, you should be careful not to lose your visitors by opening the link in the same tab or window. Make sure you have open all external links in new tabs or windows instead of redirecting the user from your site.

The best to do this is to add target="_blank" into the link’s tag.


<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">Your Anchor Text Goes Here</a>


Generally speaking, the lower your bounce rate will, the more successful your website will. It is not possible to reduce your bounce rate within a night. It is a consistent gradual process and applying the five tips above; you can able to reduce your bounce rate.

If there are some other ways, you have used for reducing bounce rates; Please share using the comments section below.