Either you're using Joomla templates or WordPress themes, user generated comments are important. It bears a testimony that your posted masterpiece is helping others tremendously. Visitors are found to and fro across the site to site to find out their desired contents.
Before getting into your well-researched blog post, they try to find some significant traits which give them reason to read further or bounce. Now the question is what are those traits, right?
Either you're using Joomla templates or WordPress themes, user generated comments are important. It bears a testimony that your posted masterpiece is helping others tremendously. Visitors are found to and fro across the site to site to find out their desired contents.
Before getting into your well-researched blog post, they try to find some significant traits which give them reason to read further or bounce. Now the question is what are those traits, right?
In my opinion they are not so many, but the most important elements are - huge post views, social shares and positive comments. Among those, good comments are the most effective, it allures the dark horse to be well-acquaintance of your website. But what if your post comments are full of spamming? definitely you would lose significant number of constant traffic along with the following inconvenience:
Consume valuable time and labour
When you’ve websites like ThemeXpert with tons of useful blog posts, You would constantly start receiving comments in your maximum viral posts. With the useful appreciation you found spammers are trying to spam in your comment. Consequently you have to spend time to keep them up-to-date frequently.
Can’t stop traffic getting stolen
If you couldn’t manage time to clean up your website from spammy comments, visitors will pipe through other website easily. -
Endanger site from hacking
Either you are running Joomla or WordPress websites, if you don’t turn on comment filtering for malicious code, hackers can hack your site putting malicious code via your site commenting system.
Increase site loading time
If a website fails to load within 5 to 8 seconds, statistics show that visitors start hitting back button with waiting for site comes in. On top of that the continuation of bounce rate keeps increasing. In this circumstance, Google may penalize your site and demote your site with lower ranking.
Google is cracking down on bad links
Google always hates bad links, If you don’t manage time to moderate your site comment, Google think you’re allowing bad links into your website, the Google bot won’t care whether the link are attached in the commenting system or elsewhere.
Now you might be thinking what would be ultimate solution to keep your site away from such an inconvenience, right? According to my experience I found default commenting system of popular CMS like WordPress and Joomla requires tons of configuration to make it safe from unexpected danger.
Even in my whole career I found many of CMS power users find difficult to add spamming safety configuration, let alone the new comers. To comprehend this issue, we have to find component which will be ultimate solution package, allows automated settings enability by default.
Now the question is which component provides all possibilities all together, the answer is simple, that is Disqus Joomla service. Look on the reason why I provoke to choose this awesome 3rd commenting system for your Joomla websites.
Fast and real time update
The commenting system doesn’t affect your site speed. It loads separately from Disqus on your Joomla websites. If you’ve website with a tons traffic, you don’t need to reload your site to see the latest update of the most recent comments. Everything will be updated live within your single blink eyes.
Less spamming and secured
Commenting with Disqus requires to login first, As a result only human can post comment, forget about the abusive behavior of dangerous bots.
Popular social integration
Social media is one of the finest place where you can reach people according to your interest easily. Disqus Joomla service comes with instant signup functionality with social media channels. If anyone signups with their social account, and comment in your blog. It’ll automatically posted the comment in their associate social media channel.
Remote moderation
Moderation of comment is essential to make your site atmosphere professional. To give the utmost flexibility, Disqus notifies it users via email when new comment is dropped, simultaneously you can approve,delete, and every reply those comment, directly from your emails. Enjoy the flexibility.
Complete Control
Your brand may have an unique identity, you want to adapt the overall every aspect of your official website matching your brand core color. To personalize the 3rd party commenting system to your brand it allow you to change default comment avatar, add CSS to personalize the look of your comment. Having learnt about the benefits of Disqus Joomla Service, now I am going to show you how you can install Disqus comment in your Joomla websites. Let’s dive in.
Step 01: Create account and add website to Disqus
Heading over to the Disqus.com, you have to sign up first with your email first. If you have already a registered for this site, Get into this link to add Disqus to your site, add site domain name or subdomain name in the site name field, choose Disqus URL and appropriate category. I am going to demonstrate the demo on zenithII template , so fill the empty with relevant details. When you fill the form correctly, select Finish Registration button.
Disqus provides compatibility with all popular CMS in the market, select Joomla as your platform in this stage.
After the previous selection of Joomla icon, you will be redirected to the following page, which includes the details instruction which plugin to download to integrate as Joomla Default commenting system. Copy the Shortname.
Step 02: Install Disqus plugin and link Shortname
Though above image shows the instruction line by line, I am going to describe it thoroughly. Login your Joomla backend, head to the extensions manager and install this Disqus for Joomla plugins.
Head to the plugins manager and search for Disqus, The search result will bring you two items, the first one is DISQUS Comments for Joomla and another is System -DISQUS comments for Joomla. Click on the first result to edit existing settings.
In this details page you will found a couple of field that you have to fill with relevant information like Shortname, category and menu item selection where the Disqus comment will be loaded. We have our shortname "zenithII", I field the shortname field with zenithII. selected blog as category, and DigiCom as menu item. When you filled your select the save and close button.
Now head to the category section where you loaded the plugin, for demonstration I have rendered the plugin in our blog section, you can load any where you think important. Have a look on the image below.
Want enjoy the full feature of this 3rd party integration? you have to log in your Disqus account, where you can find unmatched opportunities of robust comment management. Like you can add collaborator to moderate site Joomla comments, customize default look on the commenting system and so many more. If you found this article helpful, feel free to leave a comment what kind of article are you expecting from us. We'll really appreciate you for comment.