We’re excited to announce the launch of Femix, the new Joomla template specifically designed to meet the website needs of financial institutions. Simply put, this template is the result of an extensive analysis of over 100 top-performing financial services websites, brought to life by Quix.

Our team has tailored every single element of Femix from the color pallet to size positioning and dimensions of elements and CTA buttons to convert visitors into leads. We’ve taken the best performing websites and whittled down their best features and then packaged them into this template. We’ve added a little bit of our own spices ofcourse for distinct flavor.

Here’s what you can expect when you use Femix for your website.

Key Benefits of Femix:

  • Contemporary and authoritative design instantly establishes professionalism
  • Use intuitive drag-and-drop builder Quix for easy customization
  • Mobile-responsive across all devices
  • Meticulously crafted page layouts based on visitor behavior analysis from top rated financial sites
  • Strategic visuals optimized by heatmaps and scroll tracking data
  • Dedicated support from our expert team
  • 10 precision crafted pages to cover all needs of a financial institution

The Pages Inside Femix:

Femix features strategically constructed page layouts arranged from behavioral research on how modern customers engage with financial businesses. Key pages include:

  • Home – Make a lasting first impression with visually stunning aesthetics highlighting core services.
  • About Us – Build trust by introducing your mission, values, team, and history.
  • Services – Showcase your offerings prominently with icons, summaries, and detailed descriptions.
  • Team – Enable visitors to connect with experts behind your brand.
  • Case Studies – Demonstrate expertise through real-world examples and success stories.
  • Contact – Make getting in touch seamless with research backed contemporary contact forms.



The visually impactful home page establishes credibility right away with bold imagery, value proposition statements, and concise service overviews. Strategically placed calls-to-action capture visitor interests for conversion.

About Us

about us

The expansive About Us layout allows visitors to fully understand the financial institution's backgrounds, teams, specialities, and differentiators that build trust. Specially designated areas also reinforce thought leadership.



The first of the services overview pages prominently showcases service offerings that cater to visitor needs with icons, summaries and detailed descriptions. Unique layouts demonstrate capability across wealth management, retirement planning, investments, insurance, lending and more.

service details

The second page is the service details page which expands on the overview page by using charts, comparables, frameworks and metrics to establish expertise authority on the proprietary solutions offered in each financial subdomain beyond surface-levels.



The Team page introduces experts behind the brand so visitors can attach faces to the business. It allows showcasing credentials, achievements and thought leadership that establishes well-rounded capability.

Case Studies

case studies 

The first of the Case studies pages showcases contextualized success stories and builds tangible credibility of the track record and exact strategies used to deliver outcomes for clients investing in these financial services.

 case study details

The second page, the Case Study Details Page elaborates on summarized case studies with granular looks at timelines, challengers, bespoke solutions and metrics/results achieved establishes expertise levels clients seek when selecting financial partners.



The blog contains 2 layouts as well the first one contains a beautifully formatted blog gallery to provide a snippet of the full blog. This snippet contains beautiful fonts which is easy of the readers eye. This is coupled with expertly crafted “Read more” CTAs which invites visitors to read the full blog which helps improve site engagement metrics.

blog details

The beautiful font design and formatting is a theme that carries on to the second blog page which is the full blog page. Introduce financial concepts, provide context, implications and value-adds beyond surface commentary - The highlight of this layout is definitely the beautifully designed block quote which you can use to hook readers instantly.



Prominently listing phone, email, form and appointment scheduler/meeting options makes it seamless for qualified, vetted leads to reach out to initiate discussions.

 The Best Joomla 5 Template for Financial Institutions

Femix incorporates design elements most effective at reinforcing credibility and capability based on analysis of top financial service sites. Precise iconography, image ratios, white space, mobile-optimized grids, and balanced calls-to-action intuitively guide visitors through the sales funnel quickly.

Whether you’re a wealth management firm, financial planner, retirement consultant or tax advisor, Femix gives your company a data-driven edge. Claim the competitive advantage with the strategically-designed, research-backed Femix template today!

Get Femix Now!