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Infinite Scroll Joomla Plugin

The Infinite Scroll is a plugin of Joomla. It is specially created for the [Meteor template](https://www.themexpert.com/joomla-templates/meteor) to use in the blog or single article page, to show the next articles instead of pagination. ## Technical Specification: It is a plugin of Joomla. And, I strongly recommended that you always use the latest stable version of Joomla. * PHP 5.6 (Minimum), PHP 7.0.x or PHP 7.1 (suggested) * MySQL 5.4 (Minimum), 5.5, 5.6 (suggested) ## Installation Process: After completing the purchase process go to **My Account > Downloads > Joomla Extensions > Infinite Scroll > Explore Files > Download**. Now, log in to the site administrator panel and navigate to Extensions > Manage > Install, you need to do is hit on the browse button and select the extension zip file from your local computer. ## Infinite Scroll Settings: Navigate to the plugin manager from the **Extensions > Plugins** and find here Content - Infinite Scroll. ## Blog list parameters: Click on the **Yes** button to the **Enable List Page** option to activate on the blog list page. **Pagination Class**: Write the pagination main wrapper class. **Loading message**: Write the loading message. **Items wrapper class**: Write the wrapper class of the blog post items. **Item selector Class**: Write the selector class of the blog item. ## Article parameters: Click on the **Yes** button to the **Enable Article page** option to activate on the single article page. **Article wrapper class**: Write the article wrapper class, not the article selector. **Article navigation class**: Write the article page nav class. **Next nav class**: Write the article next page navigation class from a link. **Article selector**: Write the article selector class for the details page.
Oct 24, 2017