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Envato Purchase Validation

Are you finding complication in validating your customer's product purchase code for Envato market? I appreciate,! This is one of the vital tasks that used to be done for the companies who work on customer based services and sell products on Envato market. It's an addon for eCommerce management toolkit DigiCom to verify the customer’s Envato market product purchase. After he has been verified, automatically he would be put on the Customer Group you define for your clients. You have the full access to modify the ACL for your defined Customer Group. Let's see a couple of amazing things you should know about this excellent tool. ## Installation requires just a Mouse Click ![Installation requires just a Mouse Click](images/plugins/digicom-addons/envato/E1.png) **DigiCom Envato Purchase Validation** is built with offering you the most simple installation process that takes only a few seconds at best. Select the file from your local drive and perform just a click on the install button. Either you have an alternative way for installation that is Drag and Drop. Drag the file and Drop into the particular area and that's all you have to do. The system itself will do the rest within a while and make it useable for you. ## Simplest Configuration ![Simplest Configuration](images/plugins/digicom-addons/envato/E2.png) You have no need to worry about the configuration, while it gives you the candid configuration process through its wisely designed configuration module. All you need to do is just copy your Envato app personal token and put it in its corresponding box then enable **Dashboard Event**. **Products Map** option lets you list the all **Themeforest** products, according to their individual ThemeForest item ID. For better understanding regarding how to get Envato app token, watch the video below.
## Listing all your Products with ease ![Listing all your Products with ease](images/plugins/digicom-addons/envato/E3.png) Themeforest generates a unique product id against each product after it approves. You might have a couple of products on ThemeForest Envato market, and those can be listed one by one using their corresponding item id. You can find all your products from the **Select a product** drop-down, choose one and the **TF Item ID** field is supposed to be filled by the unique ThemeForest item id for that product. **+** button lets you add a new product and oppositely **-** button used to delete products. You have absolutely no limit on that, make a list big as much as you want. ## Assign the Customers the Group he belongs to ![Put the Customers the Group he belongs to](images/plugins/digicom-addons/envato/E4.png) After a customer verifies his item purchase code himself, he will be automatically added to the defined Customer Group. Customer Group’s ACL (access control level) can be controlled, modified exactly how you want from the DigiCom dashboard. It's no more a manual work that you need to do again and over again. You are now completely free from doing so. ## Let the User Validate his Envato Purchase ![Let the User Validate his Envato Purchase](images/plugins/digicom-addons/envato/E5.png) The customer no longer needs to go to the Envato purchase validation page to verify themselves as the valid customer. You can give them the access to check purchase validation from their account dashboard. Just by enabling an option named **Enable Dashboard Event**, the customer can find the purchase code verification option on the dashboard after they logged in using their valid user id and password. It reduces their hassle and ensures the flexible user experience. Let’s go through the core features what this Addon is crafted with. ## Key Features * One click simple installation * Easy to configure - absolutely no confusion * Fast verifying purchase code * Automatically put the user to the Customer Group * Handle ACL for the customers group * Ensure the site security factors * Reduce your customer’s effort * Enriched and well described documentation * Supported for any Joomla websites * Compatible for all well-known browsers * Unlimited Free Updates
Jun 29, 2017