This module is used to create testimonial section in a very efficient way without being hassled. Just to a few clicks and you are done! Doesn't required any coding knowledge for configuration, its beyond simple.
General Settings
- Name : Write the name of the person here.
- Job Title, Company Name : Write his/ her designation and company name with a comma.
- Image : Upload his/her photograph by simply using UPLOAD IMAGE button.
- Testimony : Write what s/he says.
- Animation : Choose an animation effect from the drop-down menu to apply to the module.
Styles Settings
- Image Style : Choose a style for the image from the drop-down menu.
- Font : Select a font style for the texts used in the module.
- Text Color : Choose a color for the texts used in the module.
- Background Color : Select a background color.
- Margin : You can define the amount of margin pixel for Top, Right, Bottom and Left as well for the module.
- Padding : You can define the amount of padding pixel for Top, Right, Bottom and Left as well for the module.