Number Counter
Number Counter module is a very useful module, is the best fit for almost every website including Business sites to count products as well as users. It can be used in portfolio site to count completed projects and on-going projects as well. It gives you a vast customization capability through which, you can build you desire number counter that fits for your site.
General Settings
- Title : Write title text here.
- Number : Define the number.
- Use Icon : You can use either icon or image on your counter. To use the icon, enable this option and select an icon.
- Image : To use the image, upload image with the UPLOAD IMAGE button.
- Image Alt Text : You can put an image alternative text.
- Text Alignment : Set the position of the texts.
Styles Settings
- Animation : Select an animation for the module.
- Title Font : Select a font style for the title.
- Number Font : Choose a font style for the numbers.
- Title Color : Allows you choose a color for the title.
- Number Color : Allows you choose a color for the numbers.
- Background Image : You can either use the background image or background color. If you want to use the background image, just upload image manually with UPLOAD IMAGE button.
- Background Color : If you want to use background color, just choose a color with this option.
- Padding : You can define the amount of padding pixel for Top, Right, Bottom and Left as well for the module.