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This is a tiny but helpful module that can be used to make simple Alert messages very efficiently. It has a standard front-end appearance with easy customization features that need not any coding knowledge.


General Settings


  • Content : The text you want to show to the user. Alert Type : Allows you to select the type of alert you want to show. You are allowed to choose from Success, Info, Warning as well as Danger.
  • Show Close : Allows you to enable or disable a Close button.
  • Text Alignment : You can define the alignment of the text with this option.
  • Animation : This option allows you to choose an animation effect of appearing the texts.

Styles Settings


  • Font : Customize the font for the Alert message. You can choose from plenty of existing Google fonts and define its type ( Bold, Italic, and Underline, Uppercase, Lowercase, and Capitalize as well ), size, line height, and letter spacing.
  • Margin : You can define the amount of margin in pixel for Top, Right, Bottom and Left as well to your Alert message.
  • Padding : You can also define the amount of padding in pixel for Top, Right, Bottom as well as Left to your Alert message.

If you do not want to add any margin or padding then just keep the box empty. By default, no margin or padding applies usually.

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