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Keyphrase in meta description

What does the keyphrase in meta description do?

The keyphrase in meta description assessment checks how often all words from the focus keyphrase are found within the meta description text. In addition, if you use QuixRank it also takes into account the synonyms you enter. If you overdo it, the plugin advises you to limit the use of your focus keyphrase in your meta description. y

Why is meta description important for SEO?

The meta description is a short piece of text that gives search engines and visitors a sort of summary of what the post is about. They are important because search engines might use these descriptions to show as your snippet in the search results pages. Sometimes, though, they rather pick a piece of text from your page if they think it is a better fit for a certain search intent. Meta descriptions are also important because your potential visitor uses them to determine if your site is worth visiting. Meta descriptions are your main opportunity to draw people to your site from the search results pages.

While having a meta description isn’t a ranking factor, it does appear that Google looks at the number of clicks a site gets — the click-through rate (CTR). Articles with good meta descriptions get more clicks and that could signal to Google that this must be a good result. You should do everything you can to improve your meta descriptions.

Do you want to improve your meta descriptions?

As a good meta description can draw in a lot of people, you need to make it as good as possible. Think about how you would pitch the post or page to a customer. Your meta description should accurately describe the content of the page. Don’t spam or try to fake searches into clicking your result. Always try to give every page a unique meta description — duplicate descriptions aren’t much use to anyone. You should make it attractive and enticing using natural language. Try to write in an active voice and make it actionable: add a call-to-action if needed. Also, if you’re writing about products it is probably a good idea to add some metadata about the products.

Your meta description should always contain your focus keyphrase. If you are using QuixRank you can also add your synonyms and we’ll check if everything is in the right place.

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