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Animation Feature

Quix 2 has embedded new features for each and every element. One of them is animation. This feature will let you add entrance animation to the elements. This means each time your page is reloaded, your column or element will appear with animation.

This feature is included in the settings of column and element. To add animation to your element follow these steps.

  • Select the element
  • Go to Advanced option
  • Select Animation

This feature has the following settings in it.

  • Entrance Animation - Entrance animation offers a drop-down bar where 16 options are available letting you choose what type of animation you want to apply. These options are - None, Fade In, Scale Up, Scale Down, Slide Top Small, Slide Bottom Small, Slide Left Small, Slide Right Small, Slide Top Medium, Slide Bottom Medium, Slide Left Medium, Slide Right Medium, Slide Top 100%, Slide Bottom 100%, Slide Left 100%, and Slide Right 100%,
  • Animation Repeat - This function will allow you to repeat the animation. Once you enable this, your column or element will show repeated animations.
  • Animation Delay - You can control when your entrance animation will appear. Animation delay slide bar will help you to set the delay time.
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