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Xpert Contents

Before you begin

Xpert Contents doesn't work without some content, so the first thing you will need to do is create some Joomla or K2 or EasyBlog articles. If you have a Expert Explorer package that includes Xpert Contents, you can view the demo content for an example.

You should first create a new category or select one that you wish to display articles from. Then place new articles into it with your content. Make sure to provide intro text and if you wish an image, as these are what is used to display the snippets.

Once you have your selection of content ready, you can then start to work with Xpert Contents.


Info and updates

Xpert Contents work with some great component like K2 and EasyBlog, this section will notify you wich component is ready to work with which are not.

To stay tune with Themexpert product update you can follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

Global Settings

Global Settings

Automatic Module Id : If you have multiple Xpert Contents module in one page this option will add a unique module id to each. We recommend to turn it on.

Module Id : If you want to assign module id by yourself then Disable Automatic Module Id and insert your own id.

Module class suffix : This allows you to apply a unique CSS style to this module, if you desire and have the style set in the template.

Load jQuery : This option allow you to enable or disable loading jquery on your site. Xpert Scroller required jQuery 1.4.4+ to run, if you template already load jQuery then disable this option otherwise you should enable it.

jQuery Soruce : This option allow you to load jQuery form 2 source, Google CDN or from Module Core. We recommend to user Google CDN for live site because it will load faster and save your bandwidth, for local testing/development you can load jQuery From Module Core.

Content Type : Select your content source.

Joomla Article Settings

joomla article

Category : Select a category from where the article come from.

Item Ordering : Sort your article by selected order.

Authors : If you want to show articles from specified authors, select an author from list.

Show Frontpage items : You can disable showing frontpage article or frontpage article only.

K2 Article Settings

k2 article

K2 Category Filter : Select all or specific category.

Select Category : Choose specific category.

Fetch items from children categories : This option allow you to fetch item from any clildren category you've selected.

Item Ordering : Slect your article sorting order.

Featured Item : You can disable showing featured article or featured article only.

Time range : Specify time range of articles.

EasyBlog Article Settings

Easy Blog Settings

Only option available now for Easy Blog is select a category which is very simple!

Primary Column Settings

Xpert Contents comes with 2 columns which will help you to present your articles in nice way. We are saying 1st column as Primary Column and 2nd columns as Secondary Column. You can move Secondary column right beside primary column or below primary column.

Primary Settings

Number of items : Maximum number of items to show.

Item Flow : Item flow typically refer how item will present in this column, horizontal way or vertical.

Item per flow : How many articles you want to show per flow. example: you've entered 6 in number of items field and 2 in item per flow field, then your item will separate with 3 flow each contain 2 article.

Primary col width : primary column width in px value, do not insert px or something in this field. Only numeric value.

Primary col height : primary column height in px value, do not insert px or something in this field. Only numeric value.

Scrollable : Enable or diable scrolling feature for each flow.

Navigation Type : You can choose 2 navigation type to scroll between each flow.

Navigation Position : Select the place where navigation item will placed. 

Show image : Show/hide article images.

Image Position : Select your image position above or below title.

Image Link : Image will link to orginal article.

Image width : Image width in px value, do not insert px or something in this field. Only numeric value.

Image Height : Image height in px value, do not insert px or something in this field. Only numeric value.

Show Title : This option allow you to show or hide article title.

Title Link : Link your title with original article. Not possible to link with other article.

Show Introtext : This option allow you to show the introtext.

Introtext limit : Intro text charectar limit. Leave it blank to show all text.

Show Date : Show/hide article creating date.

Show readmore : You can show addition readmore text which will link to to article.

Seconday Column Settings

secondary settings

Number of items : Maximum number of items to show.

Item Flow : Item flow typically refer how item will present in this column, horizontal way or vertical.

Item per flow : How many articles you want to show per flow. example: you've entered 6 in number of items field and 2 in item per flow field, then your item will separate with 3 flow each contain 2 article.

Secondary col width : Secondary column width in px value, do not insert px or something in this field. Only numeric value.

Secondary col height : Secondary column height in px value, do not insert px or something in this field. Only numeric value.

Column Position : Secondary column position, right beside primary column or below primary column.

Scrollable : Enable or diable scrolling feature for each flow.

Navigation Type : You can choose 2 navigation type to scroll between each flow.

Navigation Position : Select the place where navigation item will placed. 

Show image : Show/hide article images.

Image Position : Select your image position above or below title.

Image Link : Image will link to orginal article.

Image width : Image width in px value, do not insert px or something in this field. Only numeric value.

Image Height : Image height in px value, do not insert px or something in this field. Only numeric value.

Show Title : This option allow you to show or hide article title.

Title Link : Link your title with original article. Not possible to link with other article.

Show Introtext : This option allow you to show the introtext.

Introtext limit : Intro text charectar limit. Leave it blank to show all text.

Show Date : Show/hide article creating date.

Show readmore : You can show addition readmore text which will link to to article.


Do i need jQuery? Yes this module require it.

Article not scrolling, why?

This is possible for a few reasons. If jQuery is already included on your site by the template or another extension, then make sure to disable it in in XpertContents. Sometime another extension load jquery, make sure jquery loaded only once in header and top of all script.

Image not showing, why?

Make sure your image path is ok and you have no / beginning of your image path. For K2 article it looks for article image not image from introtext, so make sure you have article image for each article.

Text not showing, why?

Make sure you have some text in your article and you've turned on show introtext option form module settings.

I can't save or apply admin settings, why?

We recommend to use Firefox 4+/Chrome/Safari/Opera for admin management. It has some problem saving settings from Internet Explorer.

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