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XCF uses field groups to attach fields to any component and pages. You must have to create a group before you create your feild.

Groups List

The Groups page gives you quick editorial access to your groups page. This is where you can access a group's editor, delete groups, create new groups, and additional information of groups at a glance.

Adding New Groups

New Group

Buttons line on the top of the Groups administrative panel. New buttons initiate the creation of new groups for your fields.

Add Group

Add Group

Below, we break down the options available when you click New button.

Options Description
Name This is where you enter the title of the group you are creating.
Applied on You can select the component where the group fields will applicable for.
Select Category You can select a category where the group of fields will applicable for or make it available for all categories.
Description Give your group a description.
Display on Select where the group fields data visible on front end. You can select none if you want to show data manually using shortcode plugin or from code
Status You can publish the group immedietly or save as draft by selecting Unpublished option.

Once you have filled out this information, selecting Save will save the data keep you on the editing page. You can press Save and Close button to save and exit the page.

Groups List

Groups List

Groups list page gives you a quick overview of available of groups, component they bind and display event data.

Shortcode is a very handy feature allow you to display group field output on respective compoennt view.

Shortcode support and editor plugin feature is available on Pro version only.

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