You already know that DigiCom is the first Digital Commerce for Joomla and the key focus of this solution is provide such an software that enable you to quickly and easily setup your own marketplace in a minute.

So, everything is set, our developer and UX team are still working for the final touch. Before it's beta release, let me show you the way how you can start your own marketplace with a handful of digital product selling right away. Have a look on following video how powerful and versatile the DigiCom is. The following video is not complete beta view of DigiCom. It was captured about a week ago.  

You already know that DigiCom is the first Digital Commerce for Joomla and the key focus of this solution is provide such an software that enable you to quickly and easily setup your own marketplace in a minute.

So, everything is set, our developer and UX team are still working for the final touch. Before it's beta release, let me show you the way how you can start your own marketplace with a handful of digital product selling right away. Have a look on following video how powerful and versatile the DigiCom is. The following video is not complete beta view of DigiCom. It was captured about a week ago.  

Though we started to develop DigiCom to serve our own purpose but we come to know many of our clients are switching to another CMS. Did you know what the reason behind? Because In Joomla! there is no good component available for selling digital products. So, we decided to make DigiCom open source. You might be thinking how we are running membership subscription and download before DigiCom.

If you read the last post of our CEO, he enclosed, that we are using payplans. Though paypals had been great relief for us, but we have to perform some tedious steps repeatedly. Here are those.

  • We have to upload templates files with FTP
  • Then we link the uploaded template files with its name and related entries.
  • For maintaining download, Payplans use PhocaDownload which is difficult to maintain. we had to face numerous conflict and override core payplans scripts to implement single product selling logic.

Now everything possible in Joomla with DigiCom, we are really excited about DigiCom. As usual we are very open and always listen. If you have any question about file manager or any other features, feel free to ask in a comment.

 For more information about DigiCom, please check out these other blog posts from our ongoing series: